Monday, June 29, 2009

Excited & Other after midnight musings.

So between 11:55pm and 12:20am, I had to get up out of bed no less than THREE times to pee. By that point, I was pretty awake - and Alex, who has his first day at a new job tomorrow, was peacefully sleeping. So - I came out to the living room thinking I would read a little bit, and hopefully get back to sleepy soon.

Then the thought occurred to me how excited I am to have this space where I can share all of the wacky parts of this pregnancy with you! Since we moved here to work on our degrees, we don't live near family, and we live near a few friends, but certainly not all... And I know that several of you - from your emails and comments - like to hear about my crazy Oatmeal Creme Pie cravings, and my incessant potty breaks. And without this blog as a medium, I can't think of how you'd get to know about that. It's the minutae, the little things, the day in and day out "boring" stuff that don't get mentioned in casual conversation, but that I will post on here that make this more of a shared experience, and less of a long-distance "aquaintance" pregnancy. (as in: someone I know, who lives far away is pregnant and having the baby sometime in January. but that's all I know). Now, through the magic of the internet - you get to know when the doctor's appointments are, and you get to see the ultra sound pictures. And Alex and I get so much joy out of sharing these moments with you!

Anyway - all of that is to say, thank you for reading this blog and for participating in this exciting stage in our lives! We are so excited to be bringing little Sprout into this world full of people who already love him or her! And I am feeling most excited that we can share so much of that with you!

Believe it or not, it's 12:34am, and I have to pee again, so I'm going to sign off. If you've been thinking of investing in the stock market... Charmin would be a great bet. ;)

- mama g

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