Thursday, August 20, 2009

Who's that girl?

By and large, I am still feeling okay. Today - I am headache-y which I'm getting used to... My biggest complaint is that a couple of nights ago I must have slept on my right arm wrong, and it has been hurting for a couple of days. I've tried icing it - tried elevating it (which only made me overextend my elbow, and made it worse). I'm by no means babying it - because it's my right arm, and I'm FAR too dependent on it... But I can't figure out how to make it better. :( (I even took some Tylenol in the hopes that it would help, but to no avail)

It is still so strange how different I feel. I barely recognize myself most of the time any more. I find it impossible to concentrate, I am tired all the time, I overreact to stuff... These are not characteristics I know to be mine under normal circumstances. PLUS - I can't remember things very well, and I just sort of feel foggy - like when I've taken cold medicine, pretty much all the time.

One of my girlfriends said that she felt that way pretty much until she stopped breastfeeding. That's a long time from now. I wonder if she actually did return to her former self, or if she just got used to her fog-brained state, and improved slightly from there.

- mama g

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