Saturday, September 26, 2009


For the past couple of weeks, usually toward the end of the week (say, Thursday-Saturday-ish)... I've been experiencing crazy waves of hormone surges which have been, to say the least, un-fun. It has been the experience that I'll have the moody, hormonal day - and then the next day, I get those "make room for baby" cramps, then the next day - back to normal pregnant me.

I completely understand why women who are pregnant, or have recently had children are commonly perceived as NUTS. Because they themselves, if they've had a similar experience to what I'm having, believe that they are.

Alex has been so wonderful throughout these days of insanity. Today he read to me, put me down for a nap, took care of dinner, and entertained me - all to try to help me feel better. It must be equally as frustrating for him as it is for me that none of those things actually made me feel "better", but they did make me feel loved - and let me know that I am not alone in this. Honestly, I think the one thing all day that did - for even the briefest of moments - lift my spirits was when he said "our daughter". You see, despite how I am feeling today - or how melancholy some of my posts on here can be - I am BEYOND thrilled to be pregnant, and the fact that this is Alex & my child... It's what I've wanted since the day I fell in love with him. I wanted to have his children, and be his wife. And I am.

Days when I'm not crazy hormone lady - and even right now - I can proclaim with out any doubts that I am the luckiest woman who truly has everything she's ever wanted... A completely amazing husband, and a beautiful baby on the way.

This is what I've been reminding myself of all day throughout my frustration and hormone-induced blues. I have everything to be happy about and thankful for.

- mama g

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