Monday, December 7, 2009

doctor day - or as I like to call it... "yard time"

I got to get out of the house today to go to my weekly OB checkup.  I may have gotten a little over excited...  I woke up at 430 am, and then once I did shower & get dressed - I decided to straighten my hair.  (hey - it's not everyday I get to see the outside world, you know?)  Today I was particularly excited because not only was the OB appointment on the schedule, but there was also the prenatal pediatrician appointment - and they were 2 hours apart, so that meant LUNCH OUT!!!  (It was Panera, it was DEEEELISH, and if you haven't been there in a while, GO AND GET THE MAC & CHEESE...  it's WAY WORTH IT!)

Ehem..  Sorry - I got distracted by non-takeout/delivery food.  :)

So, the OB appointment went well.  My blood pressure is still "creeping up" so I am going on medicine now.  The Dr was pleased with everything, though - even the blood pressure, because there's really not much else he or I can do to control it - and it's not SUPER CRAZY or anything.  My blood sugars have been great, and he complimented me on my diet, telling me to "keep up the good work"...  The sycophant in me loved the metaphoric gold star!  All my measurements were on target, and I did not gain any weight this week - which made me very happy.

At 35 weeks, we have very little to fear...  If Lorelei were born today - she'd be fine.  She should weigh approximately 5-5 1/2 pounds at this point, and should be about 19-20" long.  We are just trying to give her a couple more weeks for lung development and a bit more weight gain. 

The pediatrician is going to be great.  He's super laid-back just like the OB, and very friendly.  He gave us 15 or 20 minutes of his time today to just talk to us and make sure we didn't have any questions - which we did NOT expect, but MUCH appreciated.

So - things are set in motion, and I just have to focus on laying down as much as possible. I'm reading the new Dan Brown book today.  It gets uncomfortable to read too long while laying on one side or the other.  Whichever arm is on bottom inevitably falls asleep, and that gets way uncomfortable pretty quickly.

I'm getting yelled at (not really) by my husband that it's time to put the computer away and lay down - so I'll end here for now.

Thanks to everyone for your supportive comments, emails, phone calls, etc...  :)  You are making it easier for me to endure this (much improved) version of confinement.  (never heard of "confinement"??  Look it up!!!  People used to make pregnant women do CRAZY stuff!)

- mama g

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you're stuck in bed, but it sounds like things are going as they should. Just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you guys!
