Wednesday, December 30, 2009

sneak peek

if you don't have a Facebook page, you haven't gotten to see these pictures of the little girl.  I am working on a HUGE post to let you know all the details surrounding Lorelei's arrival...  It's taking me much longer than I anticipated.

Until I have that ready - here are 2 pictures for your enjoyment. 

this one was taken Monday, Dec 28th. 

this one is from today (Dec. 30th)

more to come!

- mama g

Monday, December 14, 2009

"not ideal, but okay"

that's the official line from our doctor today. 

okay - let's go in order...  first - the blood pressure is still up.  swelling is down, as is my weight - I lost 2 more pounds this week.  but I'm spilling more protein in my urine than I was even last week - which is a symptom of the blood pressure issues.  he said that my preeclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy) is not severe enough to be SUPER concerned, but we're wanting to keep a close enough eye on it that I'm now going to be having 2 doctor visits per week instead of 1.  so I'll be going back to the doctor this Thursday.

next up, they did my Group B Strep test today.  It takes 3-4 days for the results, and frankly if I have Group B Strep...  I'll have an extra IV drip in the hospital when I deliver, and that's about it.  So - either way, it's no big deal.  then - he checked my cervix.  and guess what!  I'm already dialated to 1cm.  I've completed 36 weeks of pregnancy, so I'm officially 9 months pregnant - officially 1 more month to the due date - but we will not be making it that far.  it looks like in the next 2 or 3 weeks - I'll stop being a pregnant woman, and start being a Mommy!

they also did a blood draw to check my iron levels again.  I imagine the results of that will be just fine.  I've felt pretty good in that department since they put me on the iron supplements.

so... aside from all the doctor stuff - things here are going well.  marmee came over Saturday and cleaned our house.  It looks like a whole troop of Merry Maids came through here!  she is just incredible, and alex and I are so thankful for everything she has been doing for us the past few weeks.

it has to be said - yet again - how blessed I feel to be surrounded by so many wonderful people who are so willing to help...  laura came over last night and made me some cookies, jsut because I've been craving sweets, our friend john delivered a box full of cookies, bread, chocolate dipped pretzels, and fudge...  it's been a parade of people wanting to help - and we have felt humbled AND thankful!!

for me - it's back to laying down.  I'll update again after my next appointment (if not sooner).

- mama g

Monday, December 7, 2009

doctor day - or as I like to call it... "yard time"

I got to get out of the house today to go to my weekly OB checkup.  I may have gotten a little over excited...  I woke up at 430 am, and then once I did shower & get dressed - I decided to straighten my hair.  (hey - it's not everyday I get to see the outside world, you know?)  Today I was particularly excited because not only was the OB appointment on the schedule, but there was also the prenatal pediatrician appointment - and they were 2 hours apart, so that meant LUNCH OUT!!!  (It was Panera, it was DEEEELISH, and if you haven't been there in a while, GO AND GET THE MAC & CHEESE...  it's WAY WORTH IT!)

Ehem..  Sorry - I got distracted by non-takeout/delivery food.  :)

So, the OB appointment went well.  My blood pressure is still "creeping up" so I am going on medicine now.  The Dr was pleased with everything, though - even the blood pressure, because there's really not much else he or I can do to control it - and it's not SUPER CRAZY or anything.  My blood sugars have been great, and he complimented me on my diet, telling me to "keep up the good work"...  The sycophant in me loved the metaphoric gold star!  All my measurements were on target, and I did not gain any weight this week - which made me very happy.

At 35 weeks, we have very little to fear...  If Lorelei were born today - she'd be fine.  She should weigh approximately 5-5 1/2 pounds at this point, and should be about 19-20" long.  We are just trying to give her a couple more weeks for lung development and a bit more weight gain. 

The pediatrician is going to be great.  He's super laid-back just like the OB, and very friendly.  He gave us 15 or 20 minutes of his time today to just talk to us and make sure we didn't have any questions - which we did NOT expect, but MUCH appreciated.

So - things are set in motion, and I just have to focus on laying down as much as possible. I'm reading the new Dan Brown book today.  It gets uncomfortable to read too long while laying on one side or the other.  Whichever arm is on bottom inevitably falls asleep, and that gets way uncomfortable pretty quickly.

I'm getting yelled at (not really) by my husband that it's time to put the computer away and lay down - so I'll end here for now.

Thanks to everyone for your supportive comments, emails, phone calls, etc...  :)  You are making it easier for me to endure this (much improved) version of confinement.  (never heard of "confinement"??  Look it up!!!  People used to make pregnant women do CRAZY stuff!)

- mama g

Thursday, December 3, 2009

greetings from the green corduroy sofa

As has been the case with every major piece of furniture we've purchased together - I am so thankful that Alex and I chose an extremely comfortable sofa. We rearranged our living room to make it more conducive to my laying on my left side and still being able to see the TV, and be part of any conversation that might be going on. 

I am starting to get used to not getting up and doing things.  I think this might be a problem later when I am fully capable of doing things myself - but we'll worry about that later, shall we?  :)

Aside from becoming a baker and making me a delicious batch of sugar cookies on Sunday...  Alex has blossomed into quite the homemaker.  He went to the grocery store on Tuesday - and came back with everything that was on the list.  He said he didn't even mind doing the shopping.  He made dinner the past 2 nights, and then for lunch, we eat whatever is leftover from the night before.  He has been Johnny on the spot for everything I've needed during this past 2 weeks of bed rest.  What an amazing husband!

I am approaching 35 weeks.  This is wonderful news.  Any day past 37 weeks will be icing on the cake, and since I haven't even been started on blood pressure medication yet - I'm thinking we'll be able to get to 37, and possibly even go a bit further! 

Lorelei is still very active.  She kicks quite a bit - but her new favorite trick is to push out on my tummy as hard as she can.  It's normally her little butt that she's pushing out.  I wish I could look in there and see how she's doing it - what she's pushing against...  But I'll feel my tummy stretching, and look down - and there will be a huge mountain on one side of my tummy or the other.  I think it's pretty funny - and I'll tell Alex "She's trying to escape again".  He responds by telling her "It's not time yet...  Gotta stay in there a little bit longer."

I think about the strangest things.  WTE says that babies at this stage have REM sleep.  Does she dream?  If so - what about?  Does she feel cramped in there at all?  Is she aware enough to feel cramped - or is she like an amoeba in a petrie dish, just used to the surroundings she's always known, and not apt to question?  She has to be aware enough to realize that she has less room in there than she did, right? 

According to WTE - she's grown as long as she's going to before birth, and she is gaining half a pound each week.  This I believe.  My belly feels heavy.  I can't imagine being on my feet all day long - I think my back would die!  I also feel a bit off-balance most of the time.  My center of gravity is NOT where it used to be, and I'm definitely front heavy.  :)

With all this bed resting, I've been trying to heed my friend Lindsay's advice...  I've been trying to take some time to just enjoy being pregnant.  This is easiest to accomplish when Lorelei is kicking.  I focus on feeling her little kicks - and knowing that this is like a little secret that just she and I share.  I think about the possibilities that lay ahead of her.  I think about what she'll look like.  I think about what kind of a Mother I'll be.  I think about Alex as a Father.

It's true that not everyone gets everything they've always wanted.  But, I have to say...  right now, my life is coming pretty darn close.

- mama g

Monday, November 30, 2009

overall - good report

OB checkup day.

Predictably - my blood pressure was up when I arrived at the OB's office this morning, but after having me lie down for a bit, it came back down.  That's been my experience the whole last week - if I'm up doing things, the BP goes up...  When I lay down, it goes back down.  Now, when it goes down, it's still higher than my normal - but it's not in the scary high danger zone, so we're still okay.  The doctor said to keep doing what I've done this week (mostly lay on the couch), and said it's not time for medicine yet.   Oh - AND I lost 6 pounds in the last week.

I'm at 33 weeks and really if Lorelei had to be delivered today, although she'd be in the NICU for a bit - she'd be just fine.  (RELIEF!)

It has to be said that I have the most amazing and supportive family.  Marm & Gram came over Wednesday-Saturday and they cleaned my house, did laundry, set up my Christmas tree and - of course - handled Thanksgiving dinner.  Also - my friend Laura (Lola's Godmother) came for Thanksgiving, helped with all the cooking and clean up - AND helped Alex assemble baby things (like the pack n' play, the swing, etc...).

And let's not forget my amazing husband!!  Yesterday, I was laying on the couch and he asked me what I was thinking about.  I told him I was thinking about cookies - after inquiring what kind of cookies, he got up and went into the kitchen and MADE ME SUGAR COOKIES.  He has never baked on his own before today, but he was FEARLESS.  He made the dough, rolled it out, and cut it into Christmas tree shapes.  The cookies were delicious - and I was so impressed with him.  He is truly THE BEST HUSBAND!  I couldn't (and wouldn't) ask for a better one.  :)

My hands are starting to feel better.  I can knit a row or two in a day without too much pain.  But I can't do too much more than that - or I regret it.

We're getting close to baby time.  Alex and I are really excited to finally meet our baby girl!

- mama g

Monday, November 23, 2009

and away we go...

at my last OB appointment a week ago, I had gained about 5 pounds in 2 weeks, I was beginning to really swell up, and my blood pressure was up a bit.  My doctor said that although my next official appointment didn't need to be for another 2 weeks - that I should come in after 1 week to have my blood pressure checked.

So I went in today to have that done.  It was HIGH.  152/90 - which is super high for me.  They had me lay down on my left side for 5-10 minutes, then checked it again, and it had gone down to 130/80.  What that means is I'm on partial bed rest now, headed for full bed rest in a week or two - and we're hoping we can make it to 36 weeks or better yet - later - before we have to deliver.

The doctor said what will happen is soon my resting won't be able to keep the blood pressure low so I'll go on medicine - and then it will lose its ability to keep my blood pressure low, at which point we'll have to get the baby out.

There isn't any danger to the baby right now - the danger is mostly to me right now.  But it's not serious danger..  not as long as I follow my doctor's advice - which I am! 

So - I'm at 32 weeks, and hoping like heck to make it to 37-38ish.   That means no stress for me.  So - don't stress me out!  :)

Alex's cousin Amanda had her little girl on Friday morning.  Sarina is super cute - and it seems like Mommy & baby are doing well.  I'm so excited for Amanda & Kathy!

Okay...  I've been sitting up for about half an hour... So I'm going to lay back down now.

- mama g

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"e" is for elusive elephant diaper stacker

So - like I said in the last post - we started setting up the nursery in earnest this weekend.  Marmee & Grammy came over to help and I think we made some EXCELLENT progress.  If you've never been to our house - then you never had the pleasure of seeing what this room used to look like.  Basically, when we moved in, it was the room where we put anything we didn't know what to do with.  It was a sink hole, a disaster, a GIGANTIC mess... 
This picture isn't exactly accurate...  We had at least cleared a path at this point into the room. 

Anyway - after a weekend-long clean up that took 3 people and maybe pieces of each of our souls away...  We had a basically empty room to use for our little one.

Marmee and Alex LOVINGLY assembled the changing table on Sunday night.  It was (as are many "some assembly required" pieces of furniture) more of a production than it looked like it would be.  But they united forces and got it done!

Isn't it pretty?  The drawers work perfectly & everything!  They did a fantastic job! 

So, yesterday, we got some drawer liner paper and put all of her little clothes away in the drawers.  And as we were looking at the changing table - and realizing that diapers & wipes were not going to be going into those drawers - we started to talk about Marmee making a hanging diaper storage something or other to attach to the sides of the table.  THEN we had the bright idea that there might actually be a hanging diaper stacker in the same pattern as the crib bedding, and we (Marmee & I) began an internet search - AND WE FOUND IT!  But it was not sold separately.  Not on Amazon, Target, JC Penney, not even on the website of the creator of the bedding...  Frustrated - we started for Ebay, and were planning an all-out scouring of baby stores in our respective metro areas.  Then, my smart husband realized what we were doing and asked the question that neither Marmee nor I had even thought to consider...  "Isn't there one in the 6 piece set that we have?"

Sheepishly, I got up from my chair and looked at the package from the 6 piece set.  "Set includes: bumper, dust ruffle, diaper stacker, quilt/coverlet, and fitted sheet". 

What do you know?!?!  We already had one.  I filled it with the tiniest, cutest little diapers last night.

We have already washed a ton of clothes that were donated in Dreft and folded & hung them ready for the baby...  She has all the short sleeve onesies she needs, all the sleepers she needs, and SEVERAL cute outfits for the 0-3 month size.

onesies & socks

hang up outfits.

We haven't assembled the crib.  Like I said earlier...  Paranoia.  But she has a cute bassinet...  Once we put that together, I'll post a picture.  And we're (naturally) going to keep that in our room with us for at least the first few months anyhow.  So...  we opted to put a full-sized bed in the nursery for visiting friends and family members. 
It has a box springs & a frame on the way...  And I'm told it's super comfy. 

Finally...  because A) they're RIDICULOUSLY cute, and B) the room needed a bit more personality...  I put 3 little burp cloths on the side of the changing table.  2 of them, Auntie Kakes did redwork on, and 1 is the one Kathy & Amanda found and gave us.  I think these 3 might be too cute to let Lorelei spit up on. :)

That's our progress so far in the nursery.  I'll post more pictures as we complete more tasks.  Our next big goal is to get the car seat.  (They won't let you take your baby home from the hospital without one of those).  Otherwise, we're almost ready for her to arrive.

- mama g

Monday, November 16, 2009

making room for baby

my have we been busy around here!  yesterday, marmee & grammy jaye brought over a bed and all the gifts from the baby shower.  We spent the evening assembling the changing table/dresser and doing laundry (baby laundry).  Today - we put the clothes in the dresser...  set up the baby's bathroom & nursery, and it looks FANTASTIC!

we didn't set up the crib.  we are hoping that we won't have to actually set that up until after we move back to Tulsa in june.  (that's mostly because i'm paranoid that taking it apart and putting it together more than once will disturb the integrity of the crib)  so...  HOPEFULLY - she'll be able to stay in the bassinet until then. 

I'll post some pictures of the room tomorrow or the next day.  I'm already snuggled up in bed for the night tonight.  It's cold outside - and I don't want to leave my warm covers!  :)

I did have an OB appointment today.  Everything looks good.  I'm still gaining weight - but the doctor is still happy with me, so I guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.

The carpal tunnel is still PAINFUL!  Those of you who follow me on Facebook already know that the pain in my hands has been waking me up (as if I don't have enough things waking me up at night).  I have another physical therapy appointment tomorrow, and hopefully the compression gloves I ordered will arrive tomorrow - and that SHOULD help according to the physical therapist.  (fingers crossed...  only metaphorically - cause really crossing them would hurt too much)

More tomorrow.

- mama g

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

the shower, the rest of the birthing classes, and more!

My absence can be explained in 2 words: carpal tunnel.

It's been getting progressively more painful, and I haven't felt up to typing the amount that will be necessary to update you on recent events.

But today - I will play through the pain.  (Also - today I am wearing my braces on my wrists, and that helps some)

Birthing Classes 3 & 4

The 3rd birthing class was about birth control after the baby, safety in the house, and preventing SIDS.  By this point, Alex and I were acutely aware that these classes weren't a great use of our time, but we had already paid for them, and we were halfway done, so we stuck with it.  Alex did get to practice diapering and swaddling on a doll.  We practiced pushing and breathing for maybe 10 minutes...  and that was it. 

Class #4 began with a pediatrician talking.  He was very informative - and that part was super useful for us. Then we got our tour of the hospital where we will deliver.  It's a pretty hospital - brand new.  We got to see the nursery and everything.  It was pretty fun.

All and all - not the birthing class I pictured in my head.  Not a total waste of time, but I think the concensus here is - it could have all been covered in 1 session, not 4.

General Mommy Update

I am doing fine.  30.5 weeks down.  I did find out that I do have gestational diabetes - which sucks.  I now follow a diabetic diet (which isn't all that different from what I was eating anyhow) and I have to test my blood sugar levels 4 times a day.  My next OB appointment is Nov. 16th - and my doctor will review how I've been doing.  I'll keep you posted.

Just this carpal tunnel.  My hands are so swollen and painful.  It's really distressing.  Really.  And there's a whole lot of nothing that can be done for it.  I'm going to give physical therapy a shot - because WHY NOT?  It couldn't hurt - and at this point, I'm willing to try anything.

The Ducky Baby Shower

Those of you on Facebook have already seen these pictures - but I know a lot of you aren't on Facebook, so I am posting them here as well.  To sum up - the shower was FANTASTIC!  We had a great time, the food, family, friends, and gifts were all GREAT!

Here I am with Marmee.

Then Alex, Me, and Vickie ("Gee Gee"). 

Marmee, Me, & Grammy Jaye.

The table with the cupcakes, cookies, and the diaper cake!

Darling little baby clothes and blankets were hung all around the house.  Even in the bathroom.

The ducky tub was also the punch bowl.  CUTE

Red velvet cake from Wanda's.  SOOOOOO  TASTY!

And Gee Gee's FAMOUS sugar cookies!

Me & Kakes

Phillip becomes pregnant!

Dave won best pregnant man!

So many CUTE gifts

Some I had to try on myself.

Alex - King for the day!

It was really such a great time!  There were about 30 people there - and I am sure that they all had fun!  My party planning team (Phillip, Jessica, Laura, Sarah, Marmee, Vickie, and Grammy) did a superior job!

- mama g

Sunday, November 1, 2009

29 weeks

Hello again!

Just a quick post to let you know how things are going here in Pregnant-ville.

Birthing Class #2

We learned all about C-sections, and Alex decided that's the way he wants things done.  My opinion is when he's the one going through it physically, he can choose how he wants to do it.  Me personally?  I'd like to avoid the C-section if at all possible.  Not that it looks SO TERRIBLE - I just want to have a quicker recovery - and be able to enjoy lifting my little baby when she's first here.

We also learned the "hee hee hee who" breathing technique during which the nurse had us place clothespins on our ears to simulate pain.  Sounds cheesy, right?  It actually HURT.  She had the coaches put clothespins on their ears too, and Alex was alarmed at how painful it was.


I happened to call my OB's office on Monday of last week for a totally unrelated reason - only to learn that they received a small batch of the H1N1 vaccine!   HOORAY!  I went in on Tuesday and rolled up my sleeve gladly.  They say the shot takes 8 - 10 days to be fully effective, so I'm not out of the danger zone yet - but I saw the exit sign, and relief is on the way.  (At least now Marmee & Alex won't lock me up in the house and refuse to let me out)

OB Checkup

Thursday I had my monthly checkup with my OB.  The short update is: everything looks great.  The longer version is - I was having an emotional day evidently, because after they weighed me, I started crying and really didn't stop until after we'd been home a good half an hour.  I gained more than I'd like to discuss.  But my doctor, God love him, said he's not at all concerned - said I'm doing great, and that I shouldn't be worried about the weight gain at this point.  Rationally, I heard him.  But I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt my feelings to see such a big number on the scale.  ESPECIALLY since the last 2 weeks - I've been following a diabetic-friendly diet, and really being careful about my food.  Frustrating!  (I couldn't even consume the 2,200 calories I'm supposed to every day - so why should I be gaining???  Welcome to pregnancy)

Glucose Tolerance Test - The 3 Hour Version

So - after my 1 hour glucose tolerance test came back "abnormal", I was told I'd need to take the 3 hour test.  You can imagine how excited I was!!  The YUCK orange drink and FOUR needle sticks?!?!?!  I want to go to there!  ...or not.  But there was no point in arguing.  It had to be done.  So I went in on Friday to get it over with.  The YUCK orange drink was the same amount of liquid with TWICE the amount of sugar.  (It said 100 instead of 50 on it)  I did have some trouble choking it down, but aside from that - and enduring FOUR SEPARATE NEEDLE STICKS - it wasn't as bad as the first time around.  Thank goodness.  I imagine I'll get the results early this week.  I'll let you know.


Considering my (possible) issues with sugar, and my (husband's & Mother's) issues with germ-filled environments - Halloween was spent here at the house this year.  Laura and Ralph came over, and Laura passed out candy to the germ-mongers, I mean trick-or-treaters who came to the door.  We ate chili and watched both the OU and OSU football games.  It was a laid back night - and I had a really good time.  I'm glad that we have friends who are willing to come to our place and hang out like that.  Otherwise - we'd never see anyone.  :)

Picture Time

I did want to have at least a couple of pictures of me pregnant.  I don't like how I look right now - but I know I would be regretful if I didn't have at least some photographic evidence of my first pregnancy...  So I played around with the timer on my camera and managed to snap a couple of pictures that I don't HATE - but I don't really like them either.  Just for comparisson's sake...  I am going to post a pre-pregnancy photo as well.

This is me (and Auntie Donna) in March.  I got pregnant in April.

You can use the recliner as a point of reference.  I'm HUGE!  This is 29 weeks.

The good news is - Alex thinks I'm cute like this.  He's the best husband ever!
That's all for this post, kids...  Stay tuned.  Coming up this week: birthing class #3, and the LONG awaited shower!!!

- mama g

Sunday, October 25, 2009

"Tutu" cute!!

Since we announced that we are expecting our little one, gifts have been coming our way.  Tonight, I decided to photograph some of them to show you how adorable they are - and what thoughtful friends and family we have.  (no worries - I am not planning on photographing every single gift we get...  but these are just PARTICULARLY cute!)

This might be the first outfit we received.  It's from Grandma Gates, and it has a G on it.  :)  I love this one for the polka dots and the giraffe!  SO ADORABLE!

Also from Grandma & Grandpa Gates...  Lorelei's first pieces of jewelry.  This was given to us at the cupcake party - and it was so sweet it made me cry.  The picture doesn't do it justice.  This is the tiniest - and most precious little necklace and bracelet set EVER.

Here we have one from Auntie Donna in North Carolina.  She sent it as a "thinking of you" gift - and it CERTAINLY brightened my day that day.  It's got little duckies on the side - and my favorite part is on the bottoms of the feeties - there are little duckie footprints!
 When Marmee and Auntie Laura have traveled, they've brought back little onesies from their trips.  The Vegas cupcake is from Marmee - and the I <3 NY is from Auntie Laura & Uncle Ralph's recent trip to New York.

...I may have gotten a little carried away playing with the clothes.  But this sweater matches this onesie TOO perfectly.  At least I didn't go in search of pants too.   (yet)

 I posted about these a few days ago.  Here we have the hand-knitted sweater and scarf along with the super soft cute red teddy bear.  These are from a lady at Alex's work named Susan.  You can't really tell from the picture - but the buttons on the sweater are little blocks with A, B, C on them.  Just darling!

Then we have the sock monkey and tutu from Donna at Alex's work.  When I saw the gift bag - I could only see parts of the tutu sticking out - I said to Alex, "If that's a tutu, I'm gonna die!!" and sure enough...  How adorable is this???  Plus the monkey is wearing the same tutu and a matching bow on its head!!  Naturally - all this cute made Alex a little jealous - and he had to get in on the fun...

It's only right - someone has to make sure the tutu works properly before we give it to our daughter, don't you think?

Finally - this burp cloth with "Little Sprout" on it.  Kathy & Amanda got this for us before we knew whether Sprout was a girl or a boy - and they prayed hard for a girl. :)  I couldn't believe how perfect this was. 

All these cute baby clothes, toys, and gifts are making us even more excited to have Lola here with us.  You know, so we can dress her up like a little doll.  :)  This week, we are going to get a dresser into the nursery so we can have a place to start putting all of these clothes.  I have a laundry basket FULL of newborn (0-3 months) clothes all washed, folded, and ready for baby when she arrives.  Those were donated from Matt & Annette (of Speeding Bullet fame...  they have 3 daughters - so they had a TON of baby clothes), and from my sister Shannon who has a 1 1/2 year old little girl herself.  I thought about photographing some of them too - but there were too many cute ones, it would have been crazy.

Here's wishing you all a good week.  We have birthing class tomorrow night where we will be learning more about breathing, and hear a full presentation on C-Sections.

- mama g

Thursday, October 22, 2009

a baby shower, a birthing class, and an overall update

first - the baby shower for cousin Amanda. She is due to have her little girl December 2nd - and she's naming her Sarina Marie (such a cute name!). The shower was held at her Mom's house, and it was a really fun time.

Here is the diaper cake that she got - isn't it fun??

and the beautiful Dutch girl quilt she got...
This is Amanda opening the highchair that I decided to also register for - because it was really neat....

it was a fun afternoon topped off by YUMMY cake - which makes any party a success.

Also - I have to make mention of the DELICIOUS pub mix that they had.  I think I could have eaten 3 pounds of it - and still wanted more.  MMMMMM!

Birthing Class #1

Several of you know I was dreading birthing class.  I had heard enough about "THE VIDEO" to know that with my oh-so-tender tummy these days, I wasn't sure I'd make it gag-free.  Alex and I got to birthing class right on time to find that there were NINETEEN other couples in the class as well.  Okay, that's not what I pictured.  I thought maybe 10 couples total.  I had no basis for that assumption - but that's what I was prepared for in my brain.  The nurse who taught the class dove right in.  She started with a slide show that depicted all kinds of things from the baby's position pre-birth and during - to the mom's parts and how they work during labor.  I'll admit I felt a little awkward for some of the guys in there - I'm not so sure they were ready to hear some of the things she was saying...  But after the first few minutes, it seemed normal to be hearing the word "cervix" being casually tossed around.  After the slide show - we were given a break and offered some refreshments.  During the break - the nurse showed the birth part of Bill Cosby, Himself.  Classic & perfectly apropos!

Then it was time for "THE VIDEO".  Folks - it wasn't as bad as I had anticipated.  It was graphic - there is no question about that.  Alex and I agreed that the yuckiest part was the placenta delivery.  On all of the TLC shows - they never mention what happens after the baby is out.  At that point, Mom is holding baby - and everyone is happy and crying, and they all ride off into the sunset together.  Only, in the real world - Mom still gets a couple more contractions, and actually has to push to deliver the placenta.  (Can I say I'm SO glad I know that now???  I think it would have more than unnerved me to feel more contractions, and be told to push after the baby was delivered...  But now, I'll know what that's all about). 

After the video, we did some breathing exercises together - only about 10 minutes worth...  But it was what you would expect to see in a child birthing class.  She told us that our next class will be taught by a different nurse - and that she will teach us about C-sections primarily...  I'm interested to learn more about that topic, even though I would REALLY RATHER NOT have one.  I know - as has been the case so far with all this baby business - that I will feel less scared once I have more information.

When the class was over, I stopped in the restroom.  The nurse said if anyone had any general questions - that she'd be happy to answer them.  I had a couple, but I figured there would be a line of people waiting to talk to her - so I waddled into the bathroom.  When I came out, I was SHOCKED to find that everyone had left.  So, I decided to ask her my questions.  :)  She was super sweet, answered every question I had IN DEPTH...  I know I've said it before - but my OB's office has the greatest people!

The Overall Update

The first question I asked her was about this stupid carpal tunnel.  It's really been painful - and seemed like it was a fairly quick onset.  During the birthing class, she had mentioned that if the swelling in the feet and ankles seemed to have a quick onset - to call the office and have blood pressure checked.  So I asked her if sudden onset carpal tunnel could be due to high blood pressure.  She said she didn't think so, but gladly took me into an exam room and checked my blood pressure just to be sure.  And it was just fine.  :)

As Alex and I were gathering our things to leave, she asked how I was feeling overall.  I said that I'd been really tired, and was anxious to see the results from my blood test & glucose test - and to see if I am anemic. She ran to get my chart right away, and sure enough - I'm anemic.  So - she gave me iron supplements and I started them on Tuesday.  As of yet - they haven't made a huge difference, but I imagine it's going to take my body a little time to stop shuttling every drop of iron I get to the baby, and start leaving some for me.  She also gave me the results of my blood glucose test.  That came back abnormal (shoot!) so I have to do the 3 hour test next.  Meaning I get a 2nd date with the oh-so-ucky glucose drink. 

The rest of this week has sort of flown by...  I have needed naps everyday - so so much for my theory of being able to take them or leave them.  I think the lesson there was, if I leave a nap - I'm gonna have to just take one later.  :)  I did try to knit a little yesterday.  It's wasn't painful while I was doing it - but afterwards, both of my thumbs hurt up into my wrists.  I did (on the advice of WTE and my nurse) buy some splints for my hands.  I wear them mostly when I'm in bed - because that's where WTE suggests most of the swelling happens...  You know, all the funky positions we get our arms and hands into while we sleep.  The good news is - I haven't had the tingling in my arms or hands since I started wearing the splints.  The bad news is - it's REALLY difficult to get comfortable with those things on.

Now - for some exciting news - last night, Alex was FINALLY ABLE TO FEEL THE BABY KICK!  HOORAY!!!!!!!!!  :)  She was kicking up a storm, and I had him come over and gently rest his hand on my belly - and sure enough...  After about a minute, she launched a big one, and he felt it!!  It was nice to be able to share her kicking with him finally!  I know he's been really wanting to experience that for himself.  I've really been wanting him to get to as well!

Today - when he came home from work, Alex had some presents for the baby from one of his work colleagues.  She sent a teddy bear, a knitted scarf, and a knitted little sweater.  SO PRECIOUS!  It's so sweet that people I haven't had the pleasure to meet want to send things for our little baby!  I was truly touched by the gifts.  It just reminds me of how generous and lovely people can be. 

This weekend - I'm excited to get to see Sarah & Dave, Marmee, Rick, and Vickie!!!  And I get to meet Vickie's new dog Diva!  I have a new OB appointment coming up next week - but I'm sure that I will update you before then.

Thanks for reading!

- mama g

Monday, October 19, 2009

carpal tunnel, really?

This weekend, I learned about a new bonus ailment that can come with your pregnancy package free of charge! Congratulations to me! I am the proud new owner of carpal tunnel syndrome!

I guess I should have seen it coming with all the knitting I was doing. I did notice that my hands were feeling sore - like I needed to pop my knuckles all the time - at the end of each day. And I had noticed that my hands were numb at tingly at night - sometimes my entire arms would be. But I didn't piece it all together until this weekend when my hands were so puffy, swollen, and painful. Marmee diagnosed it right away - and in a healthy fit of incredulous denial, I didn't believe her until I got home and consulted WTE. Sure enough - according to WTE most pregnant women experience carpal tunnel. Luckily, it's SUPPOSED to go away when my body is no longer inhabited by 2 people - I just hope it does! I didn't really give carpal tunnel sufferers enough credit before. It's downright painful. Luckily, I don't type or handwrite enough these days that I have to play through the pain. I can just keep my hands resting for the most part.

But the knitting has to go to the sidelines for at least a couple of days until this swelling has a chance to go down.

Even holding my cell phone is painful.

Pitiful. Just pitiful.

In other news - this weekend, I made it through both Saturday AND Sunday without taking a nap. I'm paying for it a little bit today - but I was impressed with myself, because I didn't get all cranky - and I really didn't miss the naps TOO much. (not that I'm excited to give them up... but it's nice to know I can take them or leave them).

I also got to go to Amanda's baby shower this weekend. I will have to write a post about that and include pictures later on. It was really fun, though... I will go ahead and say that much.

For now, I'm going to go catch up on some homework and then grab a couple of zzzzzz's before birthing class tonight.

- mama g

Thursday, October 15, 2009

glucose tolerance test day

This seems to be one of the things that women remember from their former pregnancies - and they do NOT have fond memories. Why, you ask? Drinking this
10oz container of really gross liquid on an empty stomach is LARGELY unpleasant. Follow that by waiting around for an hour, then a blood draw - and then a whole day of feeling like... Well, I felt like I had eaten a whole bucket of frosting. My tummy was UPSET - and I felt lethargic, green, & kittenish most of the day. I opted to take a nap around 2 when Alex got home, hoping that would help the situation, and when I woke up at 530 - I did feel well enough to eat half of an apple. And that has so far gone well. But I'm still being cautious - and I in NO way want anything to do with any real sugar.

On top of feeling yucky... Lorelei really didn't move much this morning after I drank the orange serum of disgusting. The poor thing must have been in a sugar coma! Even though I got some protein in this morning & a little this afternoon... I didn't start feeling her kicking until 1 or 2 - which is NOT her normal schedule. While I am sure that this had more to do with the 10oz of sugar I had consumed... It always makes me uncomfortable when I don't feel her. According to WTE - women don't really need to start counting fetal movement until week 28 - making sure that there are 10 movements in a hour at least once a day. I don't count the movements like that, but I notice... Especially between 10-1030 at night. That's an active time for her, and were she not active, I would notice and feel concerned. (or, you know... paranoid - cause that's how I roll)

Because of all this stomach discomfort - I opted to stay home from class this evening. I hate to miss class, but I didn't feel well enough.

Now, thanks to all this H1N1 business, and the vaccinations being later than expected - I'm starting to worry that Alex and Marmee are going to conspire to keep me out of public. It'll be like in the days of Little Women - I'll be in confinement. Only, at least I'll have internet & TV. Still - I'm hoping it doesn't come to that. While I realize that nothing is worth risking my health or the baby's health... I don't want to be locked up in the house for the next 3 months either. But maybe staying out of public is the sensible thing, and I'm just being selfish? I don't know... Aside from class and the grocery store - I don't really go out much now anyway. I'm sure if I were to wear a mask to the grocery store - I'd probably be able to buy myself another month?? (and HOPEFULLY by then I can get the vaccination).

I am going to relax & knit some more. I got my 3" quota in yesterday, but haven't done any today yet - so I'd better get started.

Birthing classes start Monday!

- mama g

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the flood gates remain closed... for now.

Today - I ventured into the baby section at Target to buy shower gifts for our cousin Amanda whose baby shower is this coming Sunday. She is also having a little girl (due about 6 weeks before we are). I have thus far been able to avoid this very situation knowing that once I started picking up cute little girly outfits - I'd be unable to control myself and buy everything I saw.

So there I was in the Target, all alone, defenses low - and here it was - a SUPER CUTE almost cannot stand it impossibly sweet little outfit... I picked it up, held it a little, put it in my cart and proceeded to walk around Target with it the rest of the time I was there. Until it was almost check out time, and then a cooler head prevailed, and I somehow found the strength to put it back.

Was it too expensive for me to buy? No. It was $8.00. Had I previously registered for it? No - but as I learned today, registering for specific outfits at Target is pointless because when people are looking for the outfits on the registry - they'll never be able to find them. No picture - and descriptions that aren't near specific enough. So - why not just buy the darn thing???

Because I know me.

I know that once I allow myself to buy one little outfit - before I know it, I'll have a dresser and closet full of clothes I "just had to buy". I know that once I cross that line in the sand - it's all over.

Having said that - when I got home with the gifts for Amanda, I did hold one of the outfits for a while. It was so soft and so little and so precious... I couldn't help myself. Although - can I just say that it seems a lot bigger than newborn clothes used to seem to me. I held it up to my tummy and tried folding it in several different positions to see how something that large could fit in my belly - and it's a scary proposition indeed!!

Anyway - I peeled myself away from Amanda's presents and threw myself back into my knitting project (a receiving blanket for Lorelei... It's going to be 30" x 30" eventually, right now it's 30" x about 9") and the colors are light & dark pink, light & dark green, and light & dark brown. I have calculated (with Alex's help) that I need to knit about 3" each day in order to be done in a week or so.
Not that Lola will be here demanding her finished blanket by then, but I still have a few more projects I'd like to complete before she is.

I'm off to start winding a new ball of yarn for tomorrow's 3" of knitting!! Then bedtime.

- mama g

Friday, October 9, 2009

mary mary quite contrary

Alex has a theory about Lorelei not wanting to kick when people try to feel her... He thinks maybe she gets curious about what that feeling is - and stays still to try to figure it out.

Maybe so.

The point is - she was contrary with Marmee just like she is with Alex. She just doesn't like to kick when she knows someone (even me, folks) is trying to feel her doing it.

At some point, she won't have enough room to get away. And that point is fast approaching. As most of you know - I have a very short torso - and already my whole torso area is full of baby. So, now we have no choice but to expand outward. Thanks to the fabulous combination of short torso, short legs, AND short arms... I have about an inch and a half left between my belly and the steering wheel.

Marmee actually laughed on Wednesday when she saw how close it is. I am not sure anyone quite believed me that I'm going to be too big to get behind the wheel soon. But let me assure you - I maybe have a month left before it's just not going to happen.

That'll be strange.

I'm getting excited about the Tulsa baby shower. Invitations went out this week - and they are really cute! My friends who are collaborating to throw this shower did are doing such a great job - and although none of them really has the spare time to spend on shower planning, they have all spent hours already emailing and planning (and plotting)... I am humbled to know that this many people already love this little girl - but to tell you the truth... I already love her, and can happily report that she's easy to love. (not at all a biased opinion, I'm sure!)

Still knitting quite a bit. I'm hoping to get this current project done in the next week or so. I spent a good 4 1/2 hours working on it today, and made some nice progress. I'll probably work on it a bit more tonight as well.

The high temperature for today was around 58 here in Norman, and I have been just a little chilly all day long. I LOVE IT! Last night in class, a lot of the people were saying that the local news is predicting a super cold winter. That gives me hope that we will be able to switch off the air conditioner at some point before the new year. ;)

Have a great weekend!

- mama g

Monday, October 5, 2009

kick kick kicking

It's amazing what a difference the temperature makes on my mood! I am feeling FAR less sweaty, which makes me feel FAR less cranky! AND - I don't have to have the air conditioner cranked down to 69 all the time. (because it's that way outside instead of being 150 degrees outside). I hated hot weather before I got pregnant, but I have DESPISED it since I've been pregnant.

Luckily, it shouldn't get above 80 again this year.

I've been knitting like a crazy person. I'm working on a 30" square receiving blanket for Lorelei. The yarn is cute, it's chunky and a combination of light & dark pink, light & dark green, and light & dark brown... I'll post a photo of it once it looks like something. I started on this one yesterday, and have only completed 14 rows so far. For those of you who know about knitting, you know that it just looks like a curly lump of yarn so far.

Lorelei is kicking like crazy still! There was only one day when she didn't. I had taken a Claritin, and I think that made her drowsy. I have to admit, as much as I sometimes wish she would stop kicking so much, when she wasn't kicking - I missed it, and I was a little but concerned.

But never fear... She is back to being active as ever. And she's clearly Alex's daughter. She is quite contrary! She'll be kicking away, big enough kicks for me to see them on the outside of my tummy. I'll laugh, and Alex will come running over to see if he can feel her. As soon as he does - she stops. And then she won't move again until he's been gone for a couple of minutes.

I'm seeing Marmee later this week, and I'll be interested to see if she's as contrary with her as she is with her Daddy. :) It's become laughable for the two of us. I'm guessing at some point we'll catch her kicking... Either that, or Alex will have to just sit with his hand on my belly all day until Lorelei gives in and kicks for him.

Tonight - Alex has his boys' night out... I'm going to stay in and knit and maybe watch some TV. It's much nicer to relax when it's cool outside then when it's hot. Maybe it's just me?

Okay, I'm off to work the needles.

- mama g

Friday, October 2, 2009

october appointment

Yesterday I went to my October OB appointment. I always get nervous before an OB appointment. I'm afraid that he'll say I've been doing something wrong, or he'll yell at me for some reason. But that wasn't the case at all. In fact, I was commended! I gained a total of 1 pound in the last month, bringing my grand total to 17. I have to tell you, I was really worried that I could not be able to stay beneath the 25 pound recommendation... I've heard too many stories of women who have gained 40, 60, 75 pounds with their pregnancies, and I just knew that was going to be me. I'm SO relieved that has not been the case.

Meanwhile, I thought that I had an active baby - and I definitely had that confirmed for me yesterday. When they were trying to get a count of Lorelei's heartbeat, they would get it - and then WHOOMP!!! We'd see my belly move, and they'd have to find her heartbeat again. The doctor said it's unusual for baby girls to be so active, but that activity in the womb is absolutely indicitive of personality outside of the womb. Last night and today I've been paying more attention to her movements. She is most definitely more active at night than in the morning. But she doesn't seem to sleep much. It's a good thing I can sleep through the kicking right now, and I know I'd better enjoy it while I can since once she's on the outside, the kicking will be coupled with noise! :)

I am REALLY getting excited! I have just a couple of weeks before I enter the third trimester, and I can feel January coming just around the corner. I can't wait to see Lorelei and hold her. I can't wait to see Alex with her - he's going to be the most amazing father.

Okay, okay... I'm going to change the subject before I start crying. (Or before the crying gets worse, to be more accurate!)

Eggs! I successfully ate an egg this week! So, currently I have no foods on the strict ban list. It's a nice feeling to know nothing offends my gag reflex. (Well, no foods... I still struggle through brushing my teeth and bending over in the mornings. BIZARRE but true)

I've been knitting a lot the past week. And today, I definitely was nesting some. I dusted, vaccumed, and scrubbed the microwave. There's still more to do. I need to sweep the kitchen floor and mop. When I was dusting the living room ceiling fan, I was thinking about wanting the house to be as clean as possible for the baby. No dust, no allergens, no clutter... I do realize these are lofty goals - but I want to replace the air filters this weekend just the same. (And then again before Lorelei gets here) I realize I can't (and really shouldn't) try to erradicate every germ and speck of dust from my house. But I'd like there to be as few as possible.

My next OB appointment is October 29th. I have to fit in my glucose test sometime in the next 2 weeks. (yuck!) Otherwise, I just need to keep doing what I've been doing.

And I'm off to do just that!

- mama g

Saturday, September 26, 2009


For the past couple of weeks, usually toward the end of the week (say, Thursday-Saturday-ish)... I've been experiencing crazy waves of hormone surges which have been, to say the least, un-fun. It has been the experience that I'll have the moody, hormonal day - and then the next day, I get those "make room for baby" cramps, then the next day - back to normal pregnant me.

I completely understand why women who are pregnant, or have recently had children are commonly perceived as NUTS. Because they themselves, if they've had a similar experience to what I'm having, believe that they are.

Alex has been so wonderful throughout these days of insanity. Today he read to me, put me down for a nap, took care of dinner, and entertained me - all to try to help me feel better. It must be equally as frustrating for him as it is for me that none of those things actually made me feel "better", but they did make me feel loved - and let me know that I am not alone in this. Honestly, I think the one thing all day that did - for even the briefest of moments - lift my spirits was when he said "our daughter". You see, despite how I am feeling today - or how melancholy some of my posts on here can be - I am BEYOND thrilled to be pregnant, and the fact that this is Alex & my child... It's what I've wanted since the day I fell in love with him. I wanted to have his children, and be his wife. And I am.

Days when I'm not crazy hormone lady - and even right now - I can proclaim with out any doubts that I am the luckiest woman who truly has everything she's ever wanted... A completely amazing husband, and a beautiful baby on the way.

This is what I've been reminding myself of all day throughout my frustration and hormone-induced blues. I have everything to be happy about and thankful for.

- mama g

Friday, September 18, 2009


so WTE says that having (and endulging in) cravings outside of the 1st trimester is just a cry for attention. Other sources I have read say that if you have a craving during pregnancy - even if it's for something less-than-healthful, to go ahead and satisfy it (but perhaps in a small amount) because there is something in that food that your baby or your body needs.

For most things baby-related, I tend to heed the advice of WTE. It is, after all, "The pregnancy bible"... But the cravings are a beast all their own. If I don't satisfy the craving, it intensifies - and hangs around. It's more than "Hmmm... I could sure go for ________". It's a constant little nagging in the back of my head saying "lemon cake! lemon cake! lemon cake!!"

I've never disliked lemon-flavored baked goods... I've always thought they were "okay" - frankly I could take them or leave them. (Unlike my feeling for all things chocolate, but I digress.) So this recent almost week-long craving for lemony baked goodness really has me puzzled. But it's definitely what I seem to want - which means that it is naturally difficult to find.

In other news - Lola is kicking away. She's moving more and more each day - which I know isn't accurate... She's been moving this much all along, it's just that I'm now able to feel it. Nonetheless - I'm feeling a lot of it. And it's really fun except if I've just eaten, or if I need to pee. Alex still can't really feel it from the outside. I'm hoping that soon he will be able to - I know it is really frustrating to him, because he wants to much to feel what I'm feeling. And I really want him to as well.

My hips are feeling better. Lorelei definitely underwent a big growth spurt last week, my belly is bigger than it was at the cupcake party. I'm glad the growth spurt seems to be over for the time being. I sure do get hormonal and sore all over when those happen. I still feel a little bit medicine-headed. You know, that foggy detached feeling you get when you've got a cold and have taken Sudafed for a couple of days?? I feel that way most of the time these days. Alex says it's almost like an alien has taken over - and that I seem really different. I feel like I'm just stuck in a dense fog. I can tell I'm not myself though... My personality is dulled - muted even.

Overall - I'm feeling (physically) pretty good though. I still get my morning nap in most days - but I don't need an additional late afternoon nap as well anymore. And, not that I want to jinx it - but last night, I only had to get up and go to the potty ONE TIME out of 7 hours!!! It was a miracle! I'd love it if that were to last a week or so before L gets too much bigger.

I am off to Bedfordshire. It's 11:00, and even though I am feeling less tired during the day, I am still past ready for bed by this point each night.

Hope you are doing well!


-mama g

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

time for more pictures!

I have the 9/3 ultra sound pictures for you! They will follow the update.

Baby Lorelei is doing great! According to WTE, she weights right around a pound, and is just over 8 1/2 inches long. She kicks a lot everyday. It's still really hard for her Daddy to feel her - and even I have a hard time feeling her from the outside. But I have NO TROUBLE feeling her on the inside. We have The Beatles RockBand game, and last night - while we were playing, Lorelei was kick kick kicking like crazy! It's a fun time for me as a Mommy to be - I'm definitely forming a strong connection with this precious little girl.

As for Mama G... I'm doing just fine. Feeling less tired progressively. I still have days - like last Friday and Saturday... I must have had a huge surge of hormones or something, because I felt drained and to be honest - a little emotional. But by Sunday - I felt more back to normal, and I've felt fine the past couple of days. I am getting out of breath more while doing completely benign tasks (like dusting). I still have issues with bending or squatting - why in the world should that cause gagging?? And the issues with brushing my teeth are hit and miss... Some days I don't gag - and some days I do every time I brush. There are many wonders of pregnancy, I suppose. I've noticed the past couple of days that my hips have been exceptionally sore... It makes sense - hormone surge followed by growth spurt. Last night, I had been sitting in a strange position on an ottoman - and when I stood up, my left leg would not cooperate. I just couldn't put any weight on it - it felt like it was asleep even though it wasn't. All I could do was laugh - it was such a bizarre feeling! And that was most unfortunate, since the reason I stood up was to go to the bathroom. :) I made it - don't worry. It was just hilarious to me for some reason. (Guess I have my Mom's sense of humor)

Alex is feeling MUCH better these days. I think the change of season allergy attack is fading away - and he's starting to feel more like a human THANKFULLY! He's still enjoying work - and keeping super busy with school. (He's taking 9 hours!!) I'm amazed at how great he's doing juggling all his responsibilities - PLUS taking excellent care of me. :)

Picture time! I hope you enjoy!!!

here we have baby feet - looking from the bottom. if you squint - you'll be able to make out little tosies!!

This is the profile shot - Alex says Lorelei has my nose. :)

Finally, this is the shot where the sonographer could tell that our baby is a girl. I couldn't tell you how - but she said it was crystal clear.

- mama g