Monday, November 30, 2009

overall - good report

OB checkup day.

Predictably - my blood pressure was up when I arrived at the OB's office this morning, but after having me lie down for a bit, it came back down.  That's been my experience the whole last week - if I'm up doing things, the BP goes up...  When I lay down, it goes back down.  Now, when it goes down, it's still higher than my normal - but it's not in the scary high danger zone, so we're still okay.  The doctor said to keep doing what I've done this week (mostly lay on the couch), and said it's not time for medicine yet.   Oh - AND I lost 6 pounds in the last week.

I'm at 33 weeks and really if Lorelei had to be delivered today, although she'd be in the NICU for a bit - she'd be just fine.  (RELIEF!)

It has to be said that I have the most amazing and supportive family.  Marm & Gram came over Wednesday-Saturday and they cleaned my house, did laundry, set up my Christmas tree and - of course - handled Thanksgiving dinner.  Also - my friend Laura (Lola's Godmother) came for Thanksgiving, helped with all the cooking and clean up - AND helped Alex assemble baby things (like the pack n' play, the swing, etc...).

And let's not forget my amazing husband!!  Yesterday, I was laying on the couch and he asked me what I was thinking about.  I told him I was thinking about cookies - after inquiring what kind of cookies, he got up and went into the kitchen and MADE ME SUGAR COOKIES.  He has never baked on his own before today, but he was FEARLESS.  He made the dough, rolled it out, and cut it into Christmas tree shapes.  The cookies were delicious - and I was so impressed with him.  He is truly THE BEST HUSBAND!  I couldn't (and wouldn't) ask for a better one.  :)

My hands are starting to feel better.  I can knit a row or two in a day without too much pain.  But I can't do too much more than that - or I regret it.

We're getting close to baby time.  Alex and I are really excited to finally meet our baby girl!

- mama g

Monday, November 23, 2009

and away we go...

at my last OB appointment a week ago, I had gained about 5 pounds in 2 weeks, I was beginning to really swell up, and my blood pressure was up a bit.  My doctor said that although my next official appointment didn't need to be for another 2 weeks - that I should come in after 1 week to have my blood pressure checked.

So I went in today to have that done.  It was HIGH.  152/90 - which is super high for me.  They had me lay down on my left side for 5-10 minutes, then checked it again, and it had gone down to 130/80.  What that means is I'm on partial bed rest now, headed for full bed rest in a week or two - and we're hoping we can make it to 36 weeks or better yet - later - before we have to deliver.

The doctor said what will happen is soon my resting won't be able to keep the blood pressure low so I'll go on medicine - and then it will lose its ability to keep my blood pressure low, at which point we'll have to get the baby out.

There isn't any danger to the baby right now - the danger is mostly to me right now.  But it's not serious danger..  not as long as I follow my doctor's advice - which I am! 

So - I'm at 32 weeks, and hoping like heck to make it to 37-38ish.   That means no stress for me.  So - don't stress me out!  :)

Alex's cousin Amanda had her little girl on Friday morning.  Sarina is super cute - and it seems like Mommy & baby are doing well.  I'm so excited for Amanda & Kathy!

Okay...  I've been sitting up for about half an hour... So I'm going to lay back down now.

- mama g

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"e" is for elusive elephant diaper stacker

So - like I said in the last post - we started setting up the nursery in earnest this weekend.  Marmee & Grammy came over to help and I think we made some EXCELLENT progress.  If you've never been to our house - then you never had the pleasure of seeing what this room used to look like.  Basically, when we moved in, it was the room where we put anything we didn't know what to do with.  It was a sink hole, a disaster, a GIGANTIC mess... 
This picture isn't exactly accurate...  We had at least cleared a path at this point into the room. 

Anyway - after a weekend-long clean up that took 3 people and maybe pieces of each of our souls away...  We had a basically empty room to use for our little one.

Marmee and Alex LOVINGLY assembled the changing table on Sunday night.  It was (as are many "some assembly required" pieces of furniture) more of a production than it looked like it would be.  But they united forces and got it done!

Isn't it pretty?  The drawers work perfectly & everything!  They did a fantastic job! 

So, yesterday, we got some drawer liner paper and put all of her little clothes away in the drawers.  And as we were looking at the changing table - and realizing that diapers & wipes were not going to be going into those drawers - we started to talk about Marmee making a hanging diaper storage something or other to attach to the sides of the table.  THEN we had the bright idea that there might actually be a hanging diaper stacker in the same pattern as the crib bedding, and we (Marmee & I) began an internet search - AND WE FOUND IT!  But it was not sold separately.  Not on Amazon, Target, JC Penney, not even on the website of the creator of the bedding...  Frustrated - we started for Ebay, and were planning an all-out scouring of baby stores in our respective metro areas.  Then, my smart husband realized what we were doing and asked the question that neither Marmee nor I had even thought to consider...  "Isn't there one in the 6 piece set that we have?"

Sheepishly, I got up from my chair and looked at the package from the 6 piece set.  "Set includes: bumper, dust ruffle, diaper stacker, quilt/coverlet, and fitted sheet". 

What do you know?!?!  We already had one.  I filled it with the tiniest, cutest little diapers last night.

We have already washed a ton of clothes that were donated in Dreft and folded & hung them ready for the baby...  She has all the short sleeve onesies she needs, all the sleepers she needs, and SEVERAL cute outfits for the 0-3 month size.

onesies & socks

hang up outfits.

We haven't assembled the crib.  Like I said earlier...  Paranoia.  But she has a cute bassinet...  Once we put that together, I'll post a picture.  And we're (naturally) going to keep that in our room with us for at least the first few months anyhow.  So...  we opted to put a full-sized bed in the nursery for visiting friends and family members. 
It has a box springs & a frame on the way...  And I'm told it's super comfy. 

Finally...  because A) they're RIDICULOUSLY cute, and B) the room needed a bit more personality...  I put 3 little burp cloths on the side of the changing table.  2 of them, Auntie Kakes did redwork on, and 1 is the one Kathy & Amanda found and gave us.  I think these 3 might be too cute to let Lorelei spit up on. :)

That's our progress so far in the nursery.  I'll post more pictures as we complete more tasks.  Our next big goal is to get the car seat.  (They won't let you take your baby home from the hospital without one of those).  Otherwise, we're almost ready for her to arrive.

- mama g

Monday, November 16, 2009

making room for baby

my have we been busy around here!  yesterday, marmee & grammy jaye brought over a bed and all the gifts from the baby shower.  We spent the evening assembling the changing table/dresser and doing laundry (baby laundry).  Today - we put the clothes in the dresser...  set up the baby's bathroom & nursery, and it looks FANTASTIC!

we didn't set up the crib.  we are hoping that we won't have to actually set that up until after we move back to Tulsa in june.  (that's mostly because i'm paranoid that taking it apart and putting it together more than once will disturb the integrity of the crib)  so...  HOPEFULLY - she'll be able to stay in the bassinet until then. 

I'll post some pictures of the room tomorrow or the next day.  I'm already snuggled up in bed for the night tonight.  It's cold outside - and I don't want to leave my warm covers!  :)

I did have an OB appointment today.  Everything looks good.  I'm still gaining weight - but the doctor is still happy with me, so I guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.

The carpal tunnel is still PAINFUL!  Those of you who follow me on Facebook already know that the pain in my hands has been waking me up (as if I don't have enough things waking me up at night).  I have another physical therapy appointment tomorrow, and hopefully the compression gloves I ordered will arrive tomorrow - and that SHOULD help according to the physical therapist.  (fingers crossed...  only metaphorically - cause really crossing them would hurt too much)

More tomorrow.

- mama g

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

the shower, the rest of the birthing classes, and more!

My absence can be explained in 2 words: carpal tunnel.

It's been getting progressively more painful, and I haven't felt up to typing the amount that will be necessary to update you on recent events.

But today - I will play through the pain.  (Also - today I am wearing my braces on my wrists, and that helps some)

Birthing Classes 3 & 4

The 3rd birthing class was about birth control after the baby, safety in the house, and preventing SIDS.  By this point, Alex and I were acutely aware that these classes weren't a great use of our time, but we had already paid for them, and we were halfway done, so we stuck with it.  Alex did get to practice diapering and swaddling on a doll.  We practiced pushing and breathing for maybe 10 minutes...  and that was it. 

Class #4 began with a pediatrician talking.  He was very informative - and that part was super useful for us. Then we got our tour of the hospital where we will deliver.  It's a pretty hospital - brand new.  We got to see the nursery and everything.  It was pretty fun.

All and all - not the birthing class I pictured in my head.  Not a total waste of time, but I think the concensus here is - it could have all been covered in 1 session, not 4.

General Mommy Update

I am doing fine.  30.5 weeks down.  I did find out that I do have gestational diabetes - which sucks.  I now follow a diabetic diet (which isn't all that different from what I was eating anyhow) and I have to test my blood sugar levels 4 times a day.  My next OB appointment is Nov. 16th - and my doctor will review how I've been doing.  I'll keep you posted.

Just this carpal tunnel.  My hands are so swollen and painful.  It's really distressing.  Really.  And there's a whole lot of nothing that can be done for it.  I'm going to give physical therapy a shot - because WHY NOT?  It couldn't hurt - and at this point, I'm willing to try anything.

The Ducky Baby Shower

Those of you on Facebook have already seen these pictures - but I know a lot of you aren't on Facebook, so I am posting them here as well.  To sum up - the shower was FANTASTIC!  We had a great time, the food, family, friends, and gifts were all GREAT!

Here I am with Marmee.

Then Alex, Me, and Vickie ("Gee Gee"). 

Marmee, Me, & Grammy Jaye.

The table with the cupcakes, cookies, and the diaper cake!

Darling little baby clothes and blankets were hung all around the house.  Even in the bathroom.

The ducky tub was also the punch bowl.  CUTE

Red velvet cake from Wanda's.  SOOOOOO  TASTY!

And Gee Gee's FAMOUS sugar cookies!

Me & Kakes

Phillip becomes pregnant!

Dave won best pregnant man!

So many CUTE gifts

Some I had to try on myself.

Alex - King for the day!

It was really such a great time!  There were about 30 people there - and I am sure that they all had fun!  My party planning team (Phillip, Jessica, Laura, Sarah, Marmee, Vickie, and Grammy) did a superior job!

- mama g

Sunday, November 1, 2009

29 weeks

Hello again!

Just a quick post to let you know how things are going here in Pregnant-ville.

Birthing Class #2

We learned all about C-sections, and Alex decided that's the way he wants things done.  My opinion is when he's the one going through it physically, he can choose how he wants to do it.  Me personally?  I'd like to avoid the C-section if at all possible.  Not that it looks SO TERRIBLE - I just want to have a quicker recovery - and be able to enjoy lifting my little baby when she's first here.

We also learned the "hee hee hee who" breathing technique during which the nurse had us place clothespins on our ears to simulate pain.  Sounds cheesy, right?  It actually HURT.  She had the coaches put clothespins on their ears too, and Alex was alarmed at how painful it was.


I happened to call my OB's office on Monday of last week for a totally unrelated reason - only to learn that they received a small batch of the H1N1 vaccine!   HOORAY!  I went in on Tuesday and rolled up my sleeve gladly.  They say the shot takes 8 - 10 days to be fully effective, so I'm not out of the danger zone yet - but I saw the exit sign, and relief is on the way.  (At least now Marmee & Alex won't lock me up in the house and refuse to let me out)

OB Checkup

Thursday I had my monthly checkup with my OB.  The short update is: everything looks great.  The longer version is - I was having an emotional day evidently, because after they weighed me, I started crying and really didn't stop until after we'd been home a good half an hour.  I gained more than I'd like to discuss.  But my doctor, God love him, said he's not at all concerned - said I'm doing great, and that I shouldn't be worried about the weight gain at this point.  Rationally, I heard him.  But I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt my feelings to see such a big number on the scale.  ESPECIALLY since the last 2 weeks - I've been following a diabetic-friendly diet, and really being careful about my food.  Frustrating!  (I couldn't even consume the 2,200 calories I'm supposed to every day - so why should I be gaining???  Welcome to pregnancy)

Glucose Tolerance Test - The 3 Hour Version

So - after my 1 hour glucose tolerance test came back "abnormal", I was told I'd need to take the 3 hour test.  You can imagine how excited I was!!  The YUCK orange drink and FOUR needle sticks?!?!?!  I want to go to there!  ...or not.  But there was no point in arguing.  It had to be done.  So I went in on Friday to get it over with.  The YUCK orange drink was the same amount of liquid with TWICE the amount of sugar.  (It said 100 instead of 50 on it)  I did have some trouble choking it down, but aside from that - and enduring FOUR SEPARATE NEEDLE STICKS - it wasn't as bad as the first time around.  Thank goodness.  I imagine I'll get the results early this week.  I'll let you know.


Considering my (possible) issues with sugar, and my (husband's & Mother's) issues with germ-filled environments - Halloween was spent here at the house this year.  Laura and Ralph came over, and Laura passed out candy to the germ-mongers, I mean trick-or-treaters who came to the door.  We ate chili and watched both the OU and OSU football games.  It was a laid back night - and I had a really good time.  I'm glad that we have friends who are willing to come to our place and hang out like that.  Otherwise - we'd never see anyone.  :)

Picture Time

I did want to have at least a couple of pictures of me pregnant.  I don't like how I look right now - but I know I would be regretful if I didn't have at least some photographic evidence of my first pregnancy...  So I played around with the timer on my camera and managed to snap a couple of pictures that I don't HATE - but I don't really like them either.  Just for comparisson's sake...  I am going to post a pre-pregnancy photo as well.

This is me (and Auntie Donna) in March.  I got pregnant in April.

You can use the recliner as a point of reference.  I'm HUGE!  This is 29 weeks.

The good news is - Alex thinks I'm cute like this.  He's the best husband ever!
That's all for this post, kids...  Stay tuned.  Coming up this week: birthing class #3, and the LONG awaited shower!!!

- mama g