Saturday, July 18, 2009

The answer is: increase fluids

So, my doctor gave me this little pamphlet during my first OB visit - inside was a list of common ailments and their approved remedies. Everything from headaches to tummy aches are covered. What has become the running joke every time I call Marmee with a pregnancy question is for me to refer to the pamphlet - and read that it says "increase fluids" for just about every possible ailment.

For those of you who aren't aware - pregnant women can't just take an ibuprophen for a headache... there are restrictions on all kinds of over the counter medications - so we have to be VERY careful about how we manage our aches and pains.

Yesterday, I had a wave of fatigue, and an upset tummy... I consulted the pamphlet - and I increased fluids and laid down.

Today, a bit of a headache... Increase fluids.

Of course the problem with increasing fluids?? Is increased visits to the bathroom. My life, my body, my sanity no longer belong to me.

To be clear, I am not complaining. Just observing. My body is going through so many changes, and it's bound to affect me mentally at some point. This is all normal, right?

- mama g

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