Friday, June 5, 2009

Doctor Vist? More like Awkward Visit!

I blame the three times I had to get stuck this morning to try to draw blood for the lame-ness of the title of this post.

We went to the OB yesterday, and spent an hour hanging out in the waiting room. It was odd seeing some really super pregnant women hanging out in a room.

Once we got back the appointment went well. We could not hear a heartbeat yet, but we did get to hear Amber's heartbeat, which was rather neat. Then Amber got to put on her pink gown and wait for the doctor.

He seems nice, very matter of fact about everything. Took time to ask if we had an questions, and talked about what was coming up. We're roughly 8 weeks in, and will have an ultrasound next week. Blood tests and other tests were today (including the above mentioned thrice stuck blood test for me. Here's hoping my cholesterol and other random things are still good).

Amber is tired more this week. But we have no real plans this weekend aside from hanging out with some friends and relaxing.

I bought some books today to read to Amber and Sprout. Some Young Adult fiction stuff that I hope they both will like. I had started reading Grimm's Fairy Tales, but it was 1. hard to read and 2. just not very interesting. Perhaps Aesop at some point? Or maybe we'll stick with more recent stuff. I'll post small reviews I'm sure.

Still having a hard time trying to nail down a drawing of the sprout. Though I did come up with a rough sketch of Amber the other night. We'll see if that manages to get posted on the Intertubes.


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