Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the flood gates remain closed... for now.

Today - I ventured into the baby section at Target to buy shower gifts for our cousin Amanda whose baby shower is this coming Sunday. She is also having a little girl (due about 6 weeks before we are). I have thus far been able to avoid this very situation knowing that once I started picking up cute little girly outfits - I'd be unable to control myself and buy everything I saw.

So there I was in the Target, all alone, defenses low - and here it was - a SUPER CUTE almost cannot stand it impossibly sweet little outfit... I picked it up, held it a little, put it in my cart and proceeded to walk around Target with it the rest of the time I was there. Until it was almost check out time, and then a cooler head prevailed, and I somehow found the strength to put it back.

Was it too expensive for me to buy? No. It was $8.00. Had I previously registered for it? No - but as I learned today, registering for specific outfits at Target is pointless because when people are looking for the outfits on the registry - they'll never be able to find them. No picture - and descriptions that aren't near specific enough. So - why not just buy the darn thing???

Because I know me.

I know that once I allow myself to buy one little outfit - before I know it, I'll have a dresser and closet full of clothes I "just had to buy". I know that once I cross that line in the sand - it's all over.

Having said that - when I got home with the gifts for Amanda, I did hold one of the outfits for a while. It was so soft and so little and so precious... I couldn't help myself. Although - can I just say that it seems a lot bigger than newborn clothes used to seem to me. I held it up to my tummy and tried folding it in several different positions to see how something that large could fit in my belly - and it's a scary proposition indeed!!

Anyway - I peeled myself away from Amanda's presents and threw myself back into my knitting project (a receiving blanket for Lorelei... It's going to be 30" x 30" eventually, right now it's 30" x about 9") and the colors are light & dark pink, light & dark green, and light & dark brown. I have calculated (with Alex's help) that I need to knit about 3" each day in order to be done in a week or so.
Not that Lola will be here demanding her finished blanket by then, but I still have a few more projects I'd like to complete before she is.

I'm off to start winding a new ball of yarn for tomorrow's 3" of knitting!! Then bedtime.

- mama g

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